New Principal Jeff T. Hines


Gracyn Shulista

New principal, Jeff T. Hines, stepped up when the school needed it the most, said Callie Rolf, secretary. In May, , former principal, Phil Bressler announced he would be moving to Pittsburg to be the principal at the high school.

“I took the position because I felt like it was the very best thing to keep the school moving in the right direction,” said Hines.

Keeping a job in the same district, Hines did not struggle with meeting new people and connecting with others. With a new job description the said his biggest struggle is learning how to do all the new things that being principal entails. From working on the school’s accreditation, to teacher evaluations, Hines said he keeps himself busy learning new processes.

“It’s really frustrating sometimes I’ll get started doing something and I’m wondering how to do something so I’ll have to stop, figure out how to do one little thing, so I can go back and continue working on whatever I was doing,” Hines said.

Though there are struggles with a new job, Hines said he is not afraid of change or learning new things.

Dailey Mitchell, 11, said she thinks Hines being promoted to principal is a positive because change is good.

Rolf said Hines being promoted to the principal position is a positive change because of how fair Hines is.

“I think Mr. Hines is the fairest person I’ve ever met and has a lot of integrity and he also keeps his cool,” Rolf said. “He’s very level headed and that helps with his job.”

Hines said he misses being the athletic director the most because he scheduled games and tournaments, attended league meetings and played a key role in decision making with the athletic programs. This is now vice principal,DarinGagnebin’s job.

“Well, I’m really big into sports so I’m going to miss all those sports related things, but still I will be at all the games and meets I will just be working with them a different way,” Hines said.