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An extension of the PHS Journalism newspaper

PHS Journalism

An extension of the PHS Journalism newspaper

PHS Journalism

An extension of the PHS Journalism newspaper

PHS Journalism


The PHS publications website is the joint effort of the Reporter newspaper and Panther yearbook staffs.

Mission Statement:

The mission of the publications staff is to inform and entertain its audience in a broad, fair and accurate manner of all subjects that affect readers. The website seeks to provide a forum for the opinions of students, publications staffs and the faculty, thus encouraging an exchange of ideas and opinions on issues of importance to our readers.

Editorial Policy:

It is the policy of the publications website to provide a forum for student expression and free and open discussion of issues. The publications staff encourages students to write letters to the editor or submit articles for the editorial page. We reserve the right to edit content. Material the contains libelous or obscene information will not be published. Material that causes a disruption of school activities is also prohibited. Authors  must provide their full name. No articles will  be published with an alias.

Contact information:

Email: [email protected]
Phone: (913) 294-8010
Fax: (913) 294-8011

snail mail:
Paola High School
401 N. Angela St.
Paola, KS 66071

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